Our next General Membership meeting will be Thursday, February 6th at 10:30 am.

Please be present to vote in our nominating committee.

We will be in the cafeteria/office of Sprayberry High School. 


Sprayberry PTSA proposes the following bylaw change to go into effect June 12025. Dues must be raised as state and national PTSA have raised their dues starting the 2025-2026 school year. 

We will vote at our general membership meeting in March.


The Current Bylaws state:


#Section 5. The national portion of each member’s dues shall be two dollars, twenty-five cents ($2.25) per annum.

#Section 6. The Georgia PTA portion of each member’s dues shall be one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) per annum.

Section 7. Each member of this local PTA/PTSA shall pay annual dues of $5 to said association. The amount of such annual dues shall include the portion payable to the Georgia PTA and the portion payable to the National PTA.


We propose to change the bylaws to:


#Section 5. The national portion of each member’s dues shall be three dollars, twenty-five cents ($3.25) per annum.

#Section 6. The Georgia PTA portion of each member’s dues shall be one dollar and eighty five cents ($1.85) per annum.

Section 7. Each member of this local PTA/PTSA shall pay annual dues of ten dollars ($10.00) per annum to said association. The amount of such annual dues shall include the portion payable to the Georgia PTA and the portion payable to the National PTA.  



Our PTSA’s mission is to advocate for our children and provide outstanding programs that empower our community. Become a member today!




You will be taken to another website to join the PTSA. TOTEM is a legitimate website and where we prefer our memberships and donations to be paid for.





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